“The REC Rooms are happy to support the No Incinerator to help raise funds for legal support and raise awareness to the planned Horsham Incinerator. A packed evening of great local bands:
HEADLINING – The Licks featuring Phil Barton of ‘The South’ a professional rock funky feel good party band.
SUPPORT FROM – Bad Boy Boogie and Flesh Tuxedo.
A fantastic evening of entertainment.”
Tickets: £10 in advance £15 on the door available from https://therecrooms.com
Facebook Event Page:https://www.facebook.com/events/340346413319127/
SATURDAY 6TH JULY – Ni4H will hand out leaflets and collect petition signatures in the Carfax in Horsham at the Share, Care and Repair Fair.
Jeremy Quin MP will be at the official opening at 9am.
The Horsham Repair Cafe will be there for repairs and energy advice/switching to clean energy, food refills, the cleaning product, shampoo and shower gel refills will take place at the Quaker Meeting House as normal.
Hand out leaflets or clipboard canvassing for petition signatures in Carfax Saturday 6th July.
Ni4H Banner display in your garden or land visible from a busy road, we will put it up and take it down for you.
Afternoon tea / coffee morning – bake cakes, donate raffle prizes, host or help organise.
Deliver leaflets to homes – new leaflets arriving soon.
LATEST ESTIMATES indicate we need a further £6,200 for the barrister and technical experts in addition to selling all the tickets for Rock Off. Ni4H has to decide next week if we can afford to have a barrister and technical experts for the 3-week Public Inquiry.
If you want to help STOP the Horsham Incinerator please donate, pledge money, tell others, buy Rock Off tickets, offer to help Ni4H TODAY.
• Debit/credit card, PayPal, Go Fund Me: via website ni4h.org
• Bank transfer: Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027
• Cheque payable to: ‘No Incinerator 4 Horsham’ send to Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northlands Road. Horsham RH12 5PW
CONTACT US NoIncinerator4Horsham@gmail.com