Is Toxic Air Coming To Horsham?
Two community groups join forces to raise awareness during the Friends of the Earth Clean Air week, 24th -2nd July 2017.
With the threat of an industrial and commercial incinerator in Horsham and the growth of Gatwick Airport imposing more vehicles on our roads, CAGNE, Communities Against Gatwick Noise and Emissions, and No Incinerator 4 Horsham invite fellow residents to join them in Horsham town center by the bandstand at 12 noon this Saturday 24th June for the ‘I Love Clean Air Rally’.
Norman spokesperson for No Incinerator 4 Horsham said:
“We aim to raise awareness of the planning application for an incinerator at the brickworks just off the A264 which is intended to take the waste from the south east. This mountain of waste will be burning 24/7 which will inevitably lead to a decline in our air quality due to the additional waste lorries on our roads and the plumes of smoke from a chimney taller than Big Ben.”
Clean air – we all want to know our air is healthy. But too many of us breathe dirty air every day, especially in our towns and cities. Air pollution is a hidden killer and it hits us all.
Sally Pavey Chair of CAGNE said:
“During the campaign to oppose Gatwick’s second runway the lack of infrastructure was, and is still today, the Achilles Hill that stops Gatwick plans. And yet Gatwick continues to grow in passenger numbers from 40,267,938 in 2015 to 43,130,306 in 2016 with no additional investment in the roads. As Gatwick adds more and more vehicles to our roads, which are already congested, there is no consideration to the impact it is having on the air quality we breath and so we are delighted to join forces to raise awareness of the dangers we face from not just aircraft noise but aircraft emissions and the road traffic Gatwick attracts.”
Friends of the Earth say that there are 40,000 premature deaths every in the UK caused by air pollution with 2,091 schools, nurseries, further education centers and after-school clubs within 150 meters of a road with illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide.
Support the rally this Saturday and ensure that our air remains ‘good’ quality and does not deteriorate due to industrial growth caused by private commercial owners that seek to profit from our area.
Deadline to oppose an incinerator for Horsham is 3rd May April 2018 and objections should be sent to planning.applications@