Horsham Wealden Brickworks Industrial Incinerator
Public meeting
Make your voice heard
Join the discussion about the proposed incinerator at Horsham Wealden Brickworks
Saturday 9th June
10:30 am – Doors open for refreshments
11:00 am – Chaired panel discussion followed by a Q and A
St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5PU
Car park and disabled access available
Chaired by CPRE, a panel of experts and local officials voice their opinions on the incinerator proposal for Horsham. The planning application and the issues for and against will be discussed. Residents question and answers follow.
To date the public have been kept in the dark about the details of this planning application with little information readily available to the local communities who will be living next door to the plant if the application is successful.
This is your opportunity to find out more and to have your say!