West Sussex County Council Planning Committee on 19th June 2018 refused in an 8 to 4 vote the planning application by Britaniacrest, for a Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility at the Former Wealden Brickworks in Horsham, application WSCC/015/18/NH.
No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) said: “Democracy is alive and kicking. We have to thank the 8 WSCC councillors that read the documents, questioned the WSCC officer’s reports and that of the applicant having undertaken their own research to substantiate facts. These councillors acknowledged the visual impact of such a massive industrial building and chimney; the HGV impact on the roads and homes transporting waste to the site from other counties; impact on public health; cumulative impact; concerns over decline in air quality; and that over 5,500 residents oppose this application.”
A Formal Call-in Request was sent to the Secretary for State prior to the planning meeting with the support of UK Without Incineration Network (UKWIN). “This application for a massive industrial incinerator is not of a national or county interest. The incinerator would impact the 6 counties the developer seeks to source the waste from and so does not meet the West Sussex County Council waste plan.”
Britaniacrest has until 11th January 2019 to appeal. They may wish to wait and see the Autumn Budget and Defra’s Resources and Waste Strategy Reforms in November / December 2018. If Britaniacrest does appeal the application would be subject to a Public Inquiry.
Many thanks to everyone who helped with the No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) community group’s campaign. We are preparing for a possible Planning Inquiry and more people are welcome to join our team.