Dear Sir/Madam
Site Address: | Former Wealden Brickworks (Site HB), Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4QD |
Descriptionof development: | Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility and Ancillary Infrastructure |
Application reference: | WSCC/015/18/NH |
Appellant’s name: | Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd |
Appeal reference: | APP/P3800/W/18/3218965 |
Appeal start date: | 14 January 2019 |
I write to inform you of the above appeal, made to the Secretary of State, against the decision of West Sussex County Council to refuse planning permission for Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility and Ancillary Infrastructure.
The appeal will be determined through the inquiry procedure. The procedure to be followed is set out in the Town and Country Planning (Hearing and Inquires Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Rules 2013.
We have forwarded all the representations made to us on the application to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant. These will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
If you wish to make additional comments on the appeal, or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you must do so by 25 February 2019. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the appeal reference (APP/P3800/W/18/3218965).
You can submit comments online through the Planning Portal at www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs or by emailing helen.skinner@pins.gsi.gov.uk If you do not have access to the internet, you can send three copies to:
Helen Skinner
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/J
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and West Sussex County Council, and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
The appeal documents are available for inspection at County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RH between 09.30 – 16.00. Please call 01243 642118 to arrange a suitable time.
The documents will also be made available online via West Sussex County Council’s online planning register under the planning application reference WSCC/015/18/NH
You can get a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s “Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by an inquiry” booklets free of charge by contacting us, or on GOV.UK at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/taking-part-in-a-planning-listed-building-or-enforcement-appeal.
When made, the decision will be published on GOV.UK: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ (search by the appeal reference: 3218965).
Yours faithfully
Jane Moseley
County Planning
Tel: 033022 26948
email: jane.moseley@westsussex.gov.uk
County Planning, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RH Tel: 0330 2225 777| E-mail: planning.applications@westsussex.gov.uk |