If you did not write at application stage, or you did write and now have something new to say, or wish to modify/withdraw your previous representation, you must do so by 4th March 2019.
Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations.
West Sussex County Council have sent the Planning Inspector and the appellant (Britaniacrest) copies of any letters of support or objection it received about the application while considering it. These will be fully considered by the Inspector who decides the appeal.
All representations must quote the appeal reference: APP/P3800/W/18/3218965
You can submit comments online, by email or post:
Online: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ViewCase.aspx?caseid=3218965
Email: helen.skinner@pins.gsi.gov.uk
Post: Helen Skinner
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/J
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and West Sussex County Council. Anonymous representations are not accepted, but you may ask for your name and address to be withheld. They will copy your representations, with your name and address removed, to the main parties, and they will be seen by the Inspector who may give them less weight as a result.
The appeal documents are available for inspection at County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1RH between 9.30am – 4pm. Please call 01243 642118 to arrange a suitable time.
The documents will also be made available online via West Sussex County Council’s online planning register under the planning application reference WSCC/015/18/NH
Use black ink, clear handwriting, typed or printed. Send 3 copies if possible. They do not acknowledge receipt.
• Your name and address
• Appeal reference number: APP/P3800/W/18/3218965
• Appeal Site Address: Former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham RH12 4QD
You can get a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s “Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by an inquiry” booklets free of charge by contacting WSCC or online: