Why do we Need to Act Now?
No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) is a peaceful, non-political Community Group of local residents, campaigning for sound environmental reasons against plans to build a huge incinerator in Horsham, importing up to 230,000 tonnes per year of residual commercial and industrial waste and/or residual municipal solid waste from across 6 counties.
The proposed building is 36-metre-high, and the 95-metre-high permanently lit chimney stack is higher than the Statue of Liberty. The Group’s current focus is on the planning appeal lodged by Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd against refusal of planning permission by West Sussex County Council (WSCC).
How Will We be Represented?
How will people who oppose the plans be represented at the Public Inquiry? Several local non-experts speaking for about 3 minutes each? Or with a barrister and technical experts presenting evidence and cross examining other witnesses for 3 weeks?
“We are asking our supporters to help us by making donations so that we can get the best possible legal representative to act for us and capitalise on the first-rate case we have to present on behalf of local residents.”
Peter Catchpole, Ni4H Chairman
When does Ni4H Need £50,000?
Ni4H needs to have a substantial amount of the £50,000 by the end of June 2019 and pledges for the rest of the money, so that the barrister and technical experts can be appointed and prepare for the Public Inquiry. The thermometer on the Ni4H website shows how much Ni4H has raised so far.
How Can I Donate?
- Via the Go Fund Me or PayPal links on this Ni4H website using a credit or debit card or PayPal.
- Pledge money or donate by bank transfer, cheque or directly to the barrister, email Ni4H for details: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
- Set up a monthly donation via the PayPal link or bank transfer.
- Cash at Ni4H Fundraising Events.