Disgruntled residents attending last week’s Pre-Inquiry meeting about the proposed Horsham Incinerator desperately need your support. Residents attended the meeting to demonstrate the strength of opinion against the proposed Horsham incinerator. The No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) Community Group was represented by a barrister from London-based Landmark Chambers. The Planning Inspector has asked Ni4H to submit a Statement of Case expressing robust objections. He has also invited the group to become a ‘Rule 6 Party’ so it can take part in the Public Inquiry which starts on 29th October in Horsham.
However, Ni4H is unable to commit to Rule 6 status to represent residents without sufficient funds for a barrister and technical experts for the 3-week Public Inquiry and for technical reports due in July.
Kevin Slatter, Vice Chairman of Ni4H said: “While we continue to fight the development of the Horsham incinerator, the pre-hearing meeting has reinforced the need for us to have a full time barrister on the team. We can’t do this without public support and funding. Please help us fight for the right decision for Horsham and the local community.”
Residents in Swindon say they are appalled and disgusted that a huge energy plant powered by waste would be built on their doorstep as the outcome of their Public Inquiry was published. A resident commented: “I don’t know what this will do to property prices in our area, I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to sell our houses.” (source The Swindon Advertiser 10th June 2019).
The local community group in Swindon was disappointed at the decision, but pleased that some of its serious concerns have made it into the planning conditions, for example, the need to demonstrate that the incinerator will contribute to reducing overall carbon emissions.
For further information, urgent donations and pledges go to Ni4H website ni4h.org or email noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com