More donations and pledges needed by 30th June for Ni4H to robustly oppose plans to build a huge commercial and industrial incinerator in rural Horsham.
• Statement of Case to Planning Inspector by 18 July 2019
• Apply for Rule 6 status with details of case law relied upon
• Appoint barrister & technical experts by 30 June for 3-week Public Inquiry
Local residents opposed to these plans will only be fully represented at the 3-week Public Inquiry if Ni4H receives sufficient funds. The alternative is a representative of Ni4H speaking for just 3 minutes at the Public Inquiry.
3 minutes or 3 weeks with technical expert witnesses and reports and Ni4H barrister cross examining other witnesses?
Bank transfer: 100% of your donation goes to Ni4H, as there are no transaction fees.
NatWest: No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group.
Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027
Debit / credit card or PayPal: via website ni4h.org
SHARE PETITION: http://chng.it/CMVhnsRbwp
Website: ni4h.org
Email: NoIncinerator4Horsham@gmail.com
Facebook: No Incinerator 4 Horsham – Appeal Campaign
Twitter: @4Horsham
Thank you