Wow, what a brilliant night, ROCK OFF at The REC Rooms on Friday, it was wonderful to see so many people having fun, enjoying the music and dancing. It was great to meet and chat with so many Ni4H supporters. The photo is of The Licks who said: “The Licks had a great time, playing at a great venue and with such great bands. Glad it was a success, everyone worked so hard.” The support bands said: “It was a pleasure to play – both Flesh Tuxedo and Bad Boy Boogie thoroughly enjoyed it – a successful night for all !!”
“A great turnout and a great night. Thank you to everyone that came along and help raise funds for our fight against the Horsham incinerator. It was a demonstrable show of strength for the campaign. A special thanks goes out to the three bands, Flesh Tuxedo, Bad Boy Boogie and The Licks, to The REC Rooms for hosting the event and RMV Productions for the artwork, including Screen Social. All gave their time and energy free to help raise funds, just under £2,000 was raised towards a barrister and experts for the Public Inquiry due to start 29th October in Horsham, further donations are welcome. www.ni4h.orgGreat venue Great bands Great crowd and a Great night!
Thank you everyone. The fight continues.”
Ni4H Vice-Chairman, Kevin Slatter
Jeremy Irons Statement of Support for Ni4H
Following Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons financial contribution to No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s campaign, Ni4H are looking for a venue to host a public screening of Jeremy’s TRASHED environmental documentary film, with music by Vangelis. Jeremy sent Ni4H a copy of the film to help raise further funds. Ni4H is also very grateful to Jeremy Irons for providing this additional statement of support for its campaign:
“There is no upside to an incinerator apart from allowing us the misleading belief that they make the problem of our trash disappear.
The downsides are clear.
Since damaging micro fleurons cannot be captured, Incinerator chimneys, despite the manufacturer’s protestations to the contrary, do not filter out all damaging particles and so they get into our food chain, into our lungs and into our blood.
Because of poorer air quality and greater soil pollution we are seeing a massive growth in allergies and learning problems among children. Incinerators can only exacerbate these trends.
Their voracious appetite encourages us to create garbage, and often to import garbage in order that incinerators may run at full capacity and therefore be economic to run.
This method of garbage disposal works against our desire to recycle in such bulk that the recycling industry can be economically viable.
Incinerators, which have a life of at least 20 years, are a step in the wrong direction at a time when we are trying to make a healthier and more sustainable world.Jeremy Irons, to No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group
I urge every person to use all the influence they have to fight against the proliferation of such Incinerators.”
BBC Sussex Interview
Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole was interviewed by BBC Sussex Drive at 5 by Sarah Gorrell on 2nd August, you can listen to it here for 28 days: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07gdcsj starting at 17:42 to 25:20.
Thank You
We are very thankful for all donations received but Ni4H latest estimates indicate Ni4H may need a further £11,000 for the barrister and experts for the Inquiry.
Please donate or pledge money
Please donate or pledge money today, tell others or offer to organise or help with a fundraising event.
Debit/Credit Card, PayPal or Go Fund Me: via website www.ni4h.org
Bank Transfer to NatWest: Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027
Cheque payable to: ‘No Incinerator 4 Horsham’ send to Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northlands Road. Horsham RH12 5PW.
Pledge: send to Ni4H Chairman Peter Catchpole, or email: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
Thank you very much for your support.