No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (NI4H) are volunteer local residents fighting to STOP the Horsham Incinerator being built just north of the A264 bypass by Warnham Station, accessed via Langhurstwood Road.
Thanks to your donations and support Ni4H now has over 50% of our target, so our barrister and experts can continue drafting the Ni4H case for the 3-week Public Inquiry, scheduled to start on 29th October 2019 at Horsham Sports Club in Cricketfield Road. However, Ni4H needs your help to raise a further estimated £10,000 for our barrister and experts to present the case for local residents.
The Planning Inspector has imposed Rule 6 Status on NI4H. In his notes following the Pre-inquiry meeting in paragraph 12.4 he said:
“ I indicated that NI4H’s intention to appear at the Inquiry and the content of its submissions to date, together, suggest that Rule 6 status would be necessary in order to ensure that its input is appropriately managed.”
Ian Jenkins
The world has moved on since similar plans for the Horsham Incinerator were first submitted by Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd in July 2017. We are in a state of climate emergency, we have ambitious waste reduction and recycling targets, supported by the Government, Councils and the Mayor of London and we do not need any more incinerators.
NI4H’s Concerns Include:
95m stack, higher than the Statue of Liberty, with a plume visible up to 350m, tons of toxic ash, climate emergency impacts, adverse impact on recycling, more HGV traffic from 6 counties transporting 230,000 tonnes per year of commercial, industrial and municipal waste, with cumulative health and environmental impacts on rural Horsham.
NI4H Objects to the Appeal on the basis that:
a. The facility will have a negative landscape and visual impact (Reason for Refusal 2).
b. There is a public perception that the facility will harm public health (part of Reason for Refusal 5)
c. The thermal treatment plant is expected to have an adverse climate change impact and is expected to hamper efforts to decarbonise the electricity supply, contrary to local and national policies and objectives.
d. When all these things are considered in the planning balance, the Appeal should be dismissed.
(Ni4H Statement of Case, paragraph 21)
NI4H will demonstrate that the Appeal Proposals will not constitute high quality development, will give rise to unacceptable landscape and visual amenity impacts, is not of a net carbon benefit, and will lead to an increase in the public perception of public health harms, leading in turn to wider detrimental land use impacts. This is contrary to the Development Plan, and there are no material considerations weighing in the planning balance which outweigh this. Accordingly, the Inspector is invited to dismiss the Appeal. (Ni4H Statement of Case Conclusion, paragraph 41)
Ni4H Fundraising
Afternoon teas, a Barn Dance and a Quiz are being organised and there’s even talk of ROCK OFF 2!
Could you bake cakes, serve teas, donate prizes or help organise an event?
Please write to Peter or email: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
Too busy or not able to give practical help?
Please give as generously as you can now, or pledge money to be paid by the end of November 2019, give monthly from August to November by direct debit, postdated cheques or PayPal.
Please donate or pledge to NI4H
Bank transfer: Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027
Debit/Credit card, PayPal or Go Fund Me:www.ni4h.org
Cheque: payable to: ‘No Incinerator 4 Horsham’ send to: Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northlands Road. Horsham RH12 5PW.
Contact NI4H:noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
More Information:www.ni4h.org
No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Statement of Case:
Thank you.