Members of the public are welcome to observe the Planning Inquiry, request to speak for a few minutes representing themselves, someone else or an organisation. To assist the Planning Inspector, Ian Jenkins, No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) is collating names of local residents and organisations who wish to speak at the Inquiry. The Inspector is considering an evening session for those unable to otherwise attend.
Many thanks for all donations to Ni4H , to be fully represented by a barrister and experts at the Inquiry more donations are needed, please support our Fundraising Events.
Inquiry Dates and Times
At present the Inquiry is proposed to open at 10.00am on Tuesday 29 October 2019 and to sit for 12 days over 3 weeks excluding Mondays (29/10 – 1/11, 5/11 – 8/11 and 12/11 – 15/11).
After the first day, the Inquiry will generally sit on:
Tuesday – Thursday: 10.00 hrs to about 17.00 hrs (lunch break between around noon and 13.00 hrs, and a short break mid-afternoon) and
Fridays: 09.30 hrs to early afternoon (with a shorter lunch break).
The Inspector may decide to start and/or finish at other times. Any changes will be announced at the Inquiry. It is important that people appearing are available when required, and the onus will be on them to keep in touch with the progress of the Inquiry through: planning.applications@westsussex.gov.uk or telephone 0330 2225 777.
Ni4H Daily Updates
Ni4H will post daily updates on Facebook No Incinerator 4 Horsham – Appeal Campaign page and will also send email updates.
To Receive Updates from Ni4H please email SUBSCRIBE to NoIncinerator4Horsham@gmail.com and you can email to UNSUBSCRIBE at any time.
Inquiry venue
Horsham Sports Club, Cricketfield Road, Horsham, RH12 1TE. Disabled access. Refreshments available. Five-minute walk from Horsham town centre. Cricketfield Road bus stop in Worthing Road. 0.9 mile from Horsham Train Station. Free car park. www.horshamsportsclub.com
Planning Application and Appeal Documents
Available online:
Hard copies: publicly accessible at County Hall North in Horsham and will then be available at the Inquiry venue for reference.
Speaking at the Inquiry
To assist the Inspector Ni4H is collating names of local residents and organisations who wish to speak at the Inquiry. A proxy may register an organisation’s/individual’s intention to speak on Day 1 of the Public Inquiry if they are unable to attend. The Inspector has confirmed that he will consider an evening session to provide an opportunity for people to appear who would be otherwise unable to attend. Parties/individuals appearing at the Inquiry may do so in person or may be represented by someone else.
When making a case, prospective participants should bear in mind that if a point is a good one, and is supported by relevant evidence, it needs to be made only once in order to carry weight. Repeating the point will not add to that weight but will simply waste Inquiry time. With that in mind it may be that arguments for or against the proposal could be made more effectively and succinctly by one person/organisation than by many individuals making the same points in slightly different ways. I urged parties/individuals to get together wherever possible to present joint cases through a single spokesperson. In order to ensure that the Inquiry is completed as expeditiously as possible, I will intervene to prevent any unnecessary repetition.
Planning Inspector Ian Jenkins
4.2 Notes following the pre-Inquiry meeting
Written Representations
If anyone intends to submit additional written representations rather than appearing at the Inquiry, they should make their submissions to the Planning Inspectorate not later than 1 October quoting PINS Reference: APP/P3800/W/18/3218965.
Contact Ni4H for More Information
Email: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
Post: Ni4H Chairman Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northalnds Road, Horsham RH12 5PW
PINS Reference: APP/P3800/W/18/3218965
WSCC Reference: WSCC/015/18/NH