THANK YOU for all donations and help, Ni4H needs more money to be fully represented by a barrister and experts at the Inquiry. Come along and HAVE FUN at our Fundraising Events: Quiz, Tea and Cakes, Autumn Fair, Barn Dance and Rock Off 2!
The activity levels surrounding the No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group intensifies as we approach the Public Inquiry start date of the 29th October, to be held at Horsham Sports Club. Ni4H members are working full time with Experts and Barristers to pull together a compelling case and reasons that the building of an incinerator in the Horsham area should be refused. Alongside building the legal case, awareness campaigns and fundraising activities also continue with a Quiz, Barn Dance, Tea and Cakes and Rock-Off 2 all arranged for the coming weeks.
On top of Ni4H activity, the winds of change are becoming more apparent and the clear message that the environment must come before business profit when it comes to air quality and climate change. Be under no illusion that incineration does add to climate change – Climate Change Strikes on Friday were widely attended Globally, it was announced at the Labour party conference that NO incinerators would be approved under a Labour Government and there is now an open letter to and discussions with the European Commission as more than 50 NGOS condemn waste incineration.
Ni4H are also continuing to work with local Parish Councils and other groups interested in protecting the local environment. All of these people can’t be wrong and gives us great support and the incentive for Ni4H to continue the fight on behalf of the community.
We still need more funding and more help, please get involved, make a donation or let us know if you are prepared to do a 3-minute talk about your views at the inquiry. Every little helps.
Ni4H Vice-Chairman, Kevin Slatter

Barn Dance – Friday 18 October
7pm – 10pm Tickets £5. Cash bar.
Holy Trinity Church Hall, Rushams Road, Horsham RH12 2NT.
Fun evening with live band Tonik and caller Polly Dare as dances guide.
Rock Off 2 – Friday 22 November
7.30pm – 12am. Tickets £5. Bar.
Warnham Comrades Club, Hollands Way, Warnham RH12 3RH. Bar.
The Tube Snake Boogie Band with support from Lightning.
Reserve Event Tickets
Email: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com or
Message Facebook Events Pages: No Incinerator 4 Horsham – Appeal Campaign
Pay by Bank Transfer reference QUIZ, TEA, BARN or FAIR + your name to
Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027 or
Cheque payable to: ‘No Incinerator 4 Horsham’ send to: Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northlands Road. Horsham RH12 5PW.
Could you bake cakes, serve teas, donate prizes, crafts, plants, produce, books, toys or help at a fundraising event?