The No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Petition, asking the Planning Inspector to dismiss the Appeal for planning permission for the proposed Horsham Incinerator now has 2,041 signatures, including those on paper copies! Please keep sharing and adding your comments to help us get to 2,500. http://chng.it/CMVhnsRbwp
Ni4H has been working full time fundraising and helping our barrister and experts. Thank you very much for all your help and donations, which have enabled Ni4H to pay our barrister and experts to prepare the Proof of Evidence and Associated Documents for the Public Inquiry.
Members of the public are welcome to observe and can request to speak at the Public Inquiry which starts on Tuesday 29 October 10am at Horsham Sports Club in Cricketfield Road, Horsham RH12 1TE.
The Inquiry is expected to continue 12 days over 3 weeks excluding Mondays. There is a car park and disabled access, refreshments can be purchased.
To assist the Planning Inspector Ni4H is collating names of local residents and organisations who wish to speak for a few minutes at the Inquiry.
Intention to speak needs to be registered on Day 1 of the Inquiry but can be done by someone on your behalf if you are unable to attend. The Inspector will consider an evening session for people to appear who would otherwise be unable to attend. You can appear in person or be represented by someone else. Contact Ni4H for more information.
When making a case, prospective participants should bear in mind that if a point is a good one, and is supported by relevant evidence, it needs to be made only once in order to carry weight. Repeating the point will not add to that weight but will simply waste Inquiry time. With that in mind it may be that arguments for or against the proposal could be made more effectively and succinctly by one person/organisation than by many individuals making the same points in slightly different ways. I urged parties/individuals to get together wherever possible to present joint cases through a single spokesperson. In order to ensure that the Inquiry is completed as expeditiously as possible, I will intervene to prevent any unnecessary repetition. (4.2 Notes following the pre-Inquiry meeting)
People who do not need or wish to speak at the Inquiry will, nonetheless, be welcome to attend as observers. In considering the appeal, I will take account of all of the evidence heard at the Inquiry as well as written representations received before it closes. (4.4 Notes following the pre-Inquiry meeting)
Inspector Ian Jenkins