PUBLIC INQUIRY starts Tuesday 29 October 10am at Horsham Sports Club come along and hear the evidence, ask to speak.
Appeal by Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd against decision of West Sussex County Council to refuse planning permission.
Former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD.
36 metres high building, receiving deliveries of 230,000 tonnes of waste per year. 95 metres high chimney, permanently lit with red aviation lights, releasing pollutants and particulates. 9 metres taller than the tower crane, in its resting position, currently in central Horsham at the Bishop’s Weald site.
Everyone is welcome to observe the Public Inquiry. If you wish to speak to represent yourself or a group, you or a proxy should attend on 29 October to make your request. Inquiry length to be determined and the Inspector may arrange an evening session.
Contact Ni4H for Information and Inquiry Updates.
Email: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
Appeal Documents
Available online and on computers at Horsham Library and County Hall North in Horsham.
Documents Appeal Main File Post-Decision:
Core Documents Referenced:
Appeal Reference: APP/P3800/W/18/3218965