Appeal Recovery Request –
Our MP, Jeremy Quin, wrote to the Secretary of State to request that this Planning Appeal is considered for recovery in order that issues of wider significance may be considered.
Appeal Decision –
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for a recycling, recovery and renewable energy facility and ancillary infrastructure at the Former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4QD in accordance with the terms of application Ref. WSCC/015/18/NH, dated 9 March 2018, subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule of Conditions at the end of this decision.
Ian Jenkins, an Inspector Appointed by the Secretary of State
We are very disappointed at the Planning Inspector’s decision, we now need time to look at the detail within the decision and how the conditions will be applied to it.
Peter Catchpole, Chairman, No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group
Peter’s radio interview on Sussex Breakfast:
I have been made aware that the proposed incinerator on Langhurstwood Road has been given planning permission by the Planning Inspector.
I know this will be a huge disappointment to many residents and the campaign group No Incinerator 4 Horsham, who worked tirelessly on this issue.
As detailed in my previous statement https://www.jeremyquin.com/news/statement-regarding-proposed-incinerator, I formally asked the Secretary of State to “recover” the application, on behalf of my constituents. Unfortunately, this was not successful on the grounds that the proposal did not hit the “high threshold” for a recovery. Whilst this is also disappointing, it was without doubt right to make the request.Jeremy Quin, Member of Parliament for Horsham
I note that the Inspector has attached conditions to his ruling, and I will continue to follow the issue closely.
There is much to consider, thank you for your ongoing support, Ni4H will post an update in due course.
This interesting article includes links to the recent Westminster Hall debates: