To support recycling and to achieve net zero carbon we need to stop allowing new incinerators to be built. Call on the Government to introduce a full moratorium on new waste incineration capacity and please help spread the word!
Dispatches: The Dirty Truth About Your Rubbish
This Channel 4 programme aired on 8 March is available to view for about a month.
The time is right to push for a moratorium on new waste incineration capacity. UK Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) has set up an email-writing facility to help campaigners direct the call for a moratorium to the relevant ministers in the respective national governments. As Wales has already announced a moratorium, the version to be sent to Welsh ministers asks for all incinerators to be covered by the ban.
Please follow the instructions to email the relevant ministers:
We believe that it is very important to tip the balance of political will away from incineration. No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) and many other community groups across the UK are sharing this message. Detailed information supporting the call for a moratorium can be found at:
Please sign the Tax Incineration Like Landfill petition to UK Parliament, Environmental Protection Agency and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy:
Environmental Permit
No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Team and Expert Advisors are poised ready for the high public interest environmental permit public consultation. Planning permission was granted subject to conditions in February 2020, following the Public Inquiry but an environmental permit is also required, which the Environment Agency are responsible for granting or refusing.
The design needs to meet the high standards and risk assessments for this type of operation. All the relevant documents will be available to view, the Environment Agency will consult widely with people and relevant organisations, who will be able to submit comments.
The Environment Agency can only take account of comments relevant to the environmental regulatory requirements, including technical standards, noise and odour from the site and whether the potential impact is acceptable. They cannot take account of anything outside of the remit of environmental permitting, for example, the proposed location, visual impact, traffic travelling to and from the site or whether the activity should be allowed or not.
Make Incinerators Pay for the Pollution They Cause
Permission has been granted for this legal challenge of the UK government for a full hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in March 2021.
Ni4H and other Community Groups across the UK are supporting Environmental Engineer and UNESCO Special Envoy for Youth & the Environment, Georgia Elliott-Smith, with this legal challenge of the four governments of the UK, over failure of the proposed UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to uphold the Paris Agreement. Georgia featured in Channel 4 Dispatches: The Dirty Truth About Your Rubbish.