As a Community Group representing local residents, Ni4H wrote to the Environment Agency on 21 May 2021 and sent a copy to our MP Jeremy Quin, West Sussex County Council, Horsham District Council and local councils with a list of concerns including:
- Site of High Public Interest
- Missing Documents and Information
- Out of date documents – Some 5 years old from 2016, others from 2018. Were the latest versions available submitted, should they have been updated before submission?
- Advertising - What are the plans and timeline for advertising this consultation?
- EA Public Consultation Information Is Unclear
- Public Events – What other arrangements are now in place?
- Viewing printed copies of the documents
- Handwritten Comments – Why can a postal address not be made available?
- Consultees – Who are the consultees and how do we view comments?
- The Community Liaison Group has not been informed by Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd that the EA public consultation has commenced and have not put information about it on their website.
- Ensuring Applications Are Complete and Duly Made – the information in the application is not sufficiently comprehensive or adequate to make a determination.
- We respectfully ask the EA to pause this consultation whilst reviewing these concerns, and when all the documents and appropriate consultation arrangements are organised to restart it with an updated Briefing and About this consultation, and extended consultation period as a Site of High Public Interest.
View the letter here:
Ni4H is Compiling a Documents Chart
This will make it easier for you to navigate the documents and find those which may interest you, as you prepare to comment on the environmental permit variation application from Britaniacrest Recycling Limited.
We suggest you delay commenting until we have further information for you to also consider. The 6-week public consultation closes on 24 June 2021.
Before you comment please note what the EA can and cannot take account of and scroll further down on the link below to see the documents.
Please send us a copy of comments you submit as it is not clear when or how we will see these and we wish to check that they are all included in the EA report.
Ni4H would love to urgently hear from you if you can help to deliver leaflets, if you have any technical expertise or are aware of anyone who maybe be able to help our Community Group.
Please forward this information to groups you are associated with and others who might want to hear about this.