The consultation period has been extended to midnight Friday 16th July, comments can now be sent by post as well as email or via Citizen Space.
Printed copies of the documents which are available online on Citizen Space, are now available to view by appointment in Horsham Library, call 01403 224353. A table and chair will be reserved for you. The documents are in a cardboard box, there’s a large lever arch file, a ring binder and several smaller files so more than one person could look at the same time and keep socially distanced.
Please see Britaniacrest Briefing Note 2.
We await a response to our other concerns including the 32 documents, appendices, drawings and references which are still missing.
Fundraising for expert technical advice and legal advice continues. Many thanks to all those who have already donated.
View documents and comment online on Citizen Space:
View printed document copies: in Horsham Library by appointment 01403 224353.
Email comments to: pscpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk
Post to: Environment Agency, Permitting and Support Centre, Environmental Permitting Team, Quadrant 2, 99 Parkway Avenue, Parkway Business Park, Sheffield S9 4WF
Quote variation application number: EPR / CB3308TD / V002
More information: https://ni4h.org/
Our concerns about the application include:
- Pollutants from the 95m high chimney stack lit with red aviation warning lights, include nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, ammonia, dioxins and furans, PBCs and particulates.
- Is the proposed application using Best Available Techniques, meeting relevant environmental regulatory requirements and technical standards?
- The shape and use of the land around the site in terms of its potential impact, whether that impact is acceptable and what pollution control or abatement may be required.
- Application section 2.1.5 states that: ‘Britaniacrest will ensure that under the operation and maintenance contract Britaniacrest retains control of the 3Rs Facility and it is operated to the exact instruction of Britaniacrest.’ In transitioning from skip and waste haulage to waste incineration, can they demonstrate that they can operate without significant risk to the environment or human health?
- Noise, vibration, dust and odours from activity and traffic onsite.
- The hazardous residues, incinerator bottom ash, 20-25%, and fly ash, 3-4%, of the waste fuel burnt, transported off site for treatment or landfill, as they are contaminated with heavy metals like lead and cadmium as well as toxic compounds like dioxins.
- 32 missing documents, appendices, drawings and references so far identified, remain unavailable for review by consultees, stakeholders, the Environment Agency or public.
Ni4H has again asked the EA to pause and restart the consultation when access to all the information is clearly available, to allow time to review and comment.
Around 1 tonne of CO2 released for every tonne of waste incinerated.
We need to reduce, refuse, reuse, repair, recycle and avoid incineration overcapacity.
Concerned MPs are calling for a moratorium on new incineration capacity, an incineration tax and better enforcement of the waste hierarchy.
Please donate to Ni4H for Expert Technical & Legal Advice
Bank Transfer: No Incinerator 4 Horsham
Sort Code: 53-50-39
Account Number: 55388027
Credit, Debit Card or PayPal: https://ni4h.org/
Cheque to: No Incinerator 4 Horsham, send to Peter Catchpole, Ni4H Chairman, Northlands House, Northlands Road, Horsham RH12 5PW
Updates & More Information: https://ni4h.org/