Environment Agency Briefing 4: Wealden Works Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD
Variation application number: EPR/CB3308TD/V002 17 August 2021
Consultation closed
Britaniacrest Recycling Limited applied to us for an environmental permit variation. The variation is to add mechanical sorting and an energy recovery facility to its existing site off Langhurstwood Road near Horsham. We held a consultation to seek your views, which opened on 13 May 2021. This consultation has now closed.
We have received a number of responses to this consultation. We will now begin to assess the permit variation application which will include consideration of all relevant comments received. This work will need to be scheduled alongside the other permit applications we are assessing across England. You may not hear from us for a while, while we carry out this work, but we will let you know as soon as we have any more information to share.
How do we assess a permit variation application?
When we assess a permit variation application we check that the operator will use all the appropriate preventative measures, and Best Available Techniques, to ensure the facility does not cause significant pollution or harm to human health. We review the design of the proposed facility, how it will be operated, the emissions it will generate (to air, water and land) and whether it will have any significant impacts on people living nearby and natural habitats.
We will also consider all the relevant information and comments you have sent to us during the consultation, to ensure we consider all the issues raised. We may need to request further information from Britaniacrest Recycling Limited.
What happens when we make a decision?
If we decide that the application has provided sufficient information for us to determine that the facility will not cause significant pollution or harm to human health, we will produce a draft decision document and draft permit. The decision document will explain how we have reached our decision and how we have used the relevant information and comments you have given us. It will also show how we have used any additional information provided by Britaniacrest Recycling Limited that we have requested during the determination, if there was any.
If we think we may (‘minded to’) issue the permit, we would hold a second consultation. This will give you the opportunity to examine and make comments on our draft decision document and on the conditions we are ‘minded to’ include in the draft permit. We will consider relevant comments before making our final decision.
If we decide to refuse the permit, we would not hold another consultation. Britaniacrest Recycling Limited would have the right to appeal this decision.
How can I get further information?
Keep an eye on our local social media channel https://twitter.com/EnvAgencySE
For general information about our permitting process, please see our citizen’s space page