Britaniacrest Recycling Limited applied to the Environment Agency (EA) for an environmental permit variation, the consultation closed on 2 August 2021. The EA issued Schedule 5 Notice Number 1 listing a number of points the EA wanted further information on.
Scroll down to the end of the page to see the 15 Schedule 5 Response documents which include 5 of the previously missing documents: Appendix F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5.
We have received a response from the applicant and this has now been uploaded to the consultation page for information only. We are currently reviewing their response as part of our determination.
Further Schedule 5 Notices can be issued if we identify other aspects during determination which require additional information to be provided or if we are not satisfied with the information provided in response to a Schedule 5 Notice.
Environment Agency – 1 November 2021
Ni4H awaits the Environment Agency’s Response.