The Environment Agency (EA) have issued Britaniacrest Recycling Limited with a second Schedule 5 Notice, it lists a number of points they would like further information on. The applicant must provide this information to the EA by 30 March 2022.
Request for further information
Britaniacrest Recycling Limited applied to us for an environmental permit variation. The variation is to add mechanical sorting and an energy recovery facility to its existing site off Langhurstwood Road near Horsham. We held a consultation to seek your views which closed on 2 August 2021.
As part of the determining process, we have issued Britaniacrest Recycling Limited with a second Schedule 5 Notice. This Notice lists a number of points we would like further information on. The applicant must provide this information to us by 30 March 2022.
A copy of this Schedule 5 is attached and will be available on our consultation page
The applicant’s response will also be uploaded to this page. This will be for information only.
Further Schedule 5 Notices can be issued if we identify other aspects during determination which require additional information to be provided or if we are not satisfied with the information provided in response to a Schedule 5 Notice.
Environment Agency Briefing 7 added 18 February 2022