Summary Briefing Note 9
• Britaniacrest Recycling Limited have applied for a permit variation from us to add mechanical sorting and an energy recovery facility to its existing site off Langhurstwood Road, Horsham.
• We closed our first public consultation on this permit variation application on 2 August 2021 and have been assessing the documents since then.
• We have carefully considered all of the documents provided to us by Britaniacrest Recycling Limited, as well as your consultation comments. We cannot find any reason that would cause us to refuse the
permit variation application.
• We think we may issue the permit variation to Britaniacrest Recycling Limited; this is called a ‘minded to’ decision.
• We have written a draft permit variation document and a draft decision document. We would like you to read them. Please send any comments by 26 June 2022 11.59pm.
• We will make our final decision once we have reviewed your comments.
• We received over 130 comments to our first consultation. We have addressed the relevant issues raised in our draft decision document.
Briefing Note 9
Draft Notice of variation and consolidation with introductory note
Consultation on our decision document recording our decision-making process
How can you comment on the consultation?
The EA second consultation is now open and we invite you to comment on the draft decision document and draft permit variation. These documents can be found on
Printed copies are available to view at Horsham Library
Lower Tanbridge Way, Horsham, RH12 1PJ. 01403 224353.
Responses can be made via the website or by email to pscpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk
If you are unable to submit your comments in this way, you can post them
marked ‘Variation application number: EPR/CB3308TD/V002’ to:
Environment Agency, Permitting and Support Centre, Environmental Permitting Team, Quadrant 2, 99 Parkway Avenue, Parkway Business Park, Sheffield S9 4WF
The EA must receive your comments by 11:59pm on 26 June 2022
Please note that EA permitting process does not take into account factors such as off-site vehicle movements, operating hours, visual impact and whether this is an appropriate location for the activity, as these are the local council’s responsibility to regulate.