Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury – incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review.
The review into waste incineration commissioned by the Scottish Government recommends limiting new incineration capacity in Scotland to address concerns about incineration lock-in harming recycling and impeding the move to a circular economy.
The report from an independent review was published on 10 May 2022 and shows the scale of the nation’s incineration problem. The report makes 12 policy recommendations for the Scottish Government, local authorities and wider waste industry.
Report and supporting documents relating to the Independent Review of the Role of Incineration in the Waste Hierarchy in Scotland:
A big thank you to everyone who contributed high quality evidence to the Scottish Incineration Review which showed how we need to move away from incineration, especially Friends of the Earth Scotland and Dovesdale Action Group.
UK Without Incineration Network
The review into incineration in Scotland has recommended an immediate ban on new incineration capacity. Environmental campaigners have welcomed an independent report which calls for an immediate ban on planning permission for new incinerators, but say a clear exit strategy from incineration is still needed.
We still need to see a clear exit strategy from incineration – but this is an important milestone.
Friends of the Earth Scotland
A Scottish Government Ministerial Statement: Role of incineration in the Waste Hierarchy, is expected on Thursday 16th June, which will most probably outline which of the various recommendations they intend to adopt.