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CHER Project

The new owners, Qair, call the proposed Horsham incinerator, CHER, the Centre for Horsham Energy Recovery. Construction work on the substantial building and 95-metre stack was due to start in Summer 2023 and take approximately three years. In December 2023 at the Community Liaison Group Meeting, the new owners, Qair, said there was very little news, Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) are working on the design detail, the construction contract has been delayed, construction has not started.

No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group

Ni4H is a voluntary group formed in 2016 by local residents to raise awareness and campaign against the controversial proposal for an incinerator in North Horsham. The site, off the A264, near Warnham Station and the new Mowbray Village, would receive 230,000 tonnes of waste per year.

Community Liaison Group

Members of the public are being encouraged to volunteer to join the Community Liaison Group (CLG), to discuss project progress, and the impact on the local community. Horsham residents who are members of the CLG sent Qair more than 50 questions, covering ongoing concerns about the project. Email Ni4H for more information: noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com


See the Ni4H website home page for news about the project and related issues in chronological order. https://ni4h.org

The United Kingdom Without Incineration Network

UKWIN is a network of anti-incineration campaigners and local campaign groups who oppose incineration because of adverse impacts on recycling, climate change, resource security, health and the environment. More information: https://ukwin.org.uk/

Comments on CHER website

Ni4H is very thankful for the expertise of Neil Pitcairn, UKWIN Director, for this assessment of claims made by Qair for the proposed Horsham incinerator on their dedicated website. https://cher.energy