Environment Agency High Public Interest Consultation
The Environment Agency issued an Environmental Permit, following a High Public Interest Consultation, on 16 November 2022.
Permit Variation and Decision Document
“This document explains our decision making process and how we have assessed the Britaniacrest Recycling Limited permit variation application and the factors that we have taken into account. The decision document also explains our reasons for proposing the conditions in the permit.”
Concerns About the Environmental Permit Application Included:
- Toxic pollutants from the 95m high chimney stack lit with red aviation warning lights, include nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, ammonia, dioxins and furans, PCBs and particulates.
- Is the proposed application using Best Available Techniques, meeting relevant environmental regulatory requirements and technical standards?
- The shape and use of the land around the site in terms of its potential impact, whether that impact is acceptable and what pollution control or abatement may be required.
- In transitioning from skip hire and waste management, are Best Available Techniques proposed and could Britaniacrest build and operate this incinerator without risk to our health or the environment?
- Noise, vibration, dust and odours from activity and traffic onsite, affecting people in existing and new homes, schools, businesses and wildlife.
- The hazardous ash and residues (around 23 – 29% of the waste fuel burnt) contaminated with heavy metals and dioxins, transported off site for treatment or landfill.
- At least 32 missing documents, appendices, drawings and references are unavailable for review by the consultees, stakeholders, public or Environment Agency.
Planning Permission Granted at Appeal
Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd lodged a planning appeal against refusal of planning permission by West Sussex County Council. Ni4H raised funds for technical expert reports, a barrister and planning expert to represent Ni4H as a Rule 6 Party at the Public Inquiry.
Planning Permission was granted, subject to conditions, at Appeal in February 2020 following the Public Inquiry.
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for a recycling, recovery and renewable energy facility and ancillary infrastructure at the Former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4QD in accordance with the terms of application Ref. WSCC/015/18/NH, dated 9 March 2018, subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule of Conditions at the end of this decision.
Ian Jenkins, an Inspector Appointed by the Secretary of State
Concerns About the Planning Application Included:
- Huge 36 metre high building in Langhurstwood Road off A264 by Warnham Station.
- 95 metre high chimney releasing harmful particulates and nitrogen oxides, permanently lit with red aviation lights, 9 metres higher than the tower crane, in its resting position, currently in central Horsham at the Bishop’s Weald site.
- More HGV traffic from 6 counties transporting 230,000 tonnes of waste per year.
- Hazardous waste toxic ash includes heavy metals and dioxins.
- MPs have criticised incineration and called for a moratorium on new incineration capacity, the introduction of an incineration tax, and/or better enforcement of the waste hierarchy.
- Electricity generated by waste incineration has significantly higher adverse climate change impacts than electricity generated through the conventional use of fossil fuels such as gas.
- Waste incinerators make climate change worse, releasing an average of around 1 tonne of CO2 for every tonne of waste incinerated.