“No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Statement of Case has now been successfully submitted to the Planning Inspector, opposing the Appeal to build an Incinerator in North Horsham. Everyone involved can feel very proud of what they have achieved. Our group, our barrister and specialist experts have been able to pull together all the strands of evidence into a substantive and compelling case, on behalf of all our residents to put forward to the Planning Inspector in October. We still need to continue to raise more money, to ensure we can afford to have full representation at the Public Inquiry, so that our powerful reasons for rejection can be given full force. Please give your help by donating or pledging money today.”
Peter Catchpole, Ni4H Chairman
Ni4H Statement of Case
Download No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Statement of Case from WSCC Planning Portal:
Donations and Pledges are Welcome
Debit/credit card, PayPal, Go Fund Me: via website ni4h.org
Bank Transfer to NatWest:
Sort Code: 53-50-39 Account Number: 55388027
Cheque payable to: ‘No Incinerator 4 Horsham’
Send to: Ni4H Chairman, Peter Catchpole, Northlands House, Northlands Road. Horsham RH12 5PW
Pledge: contact Ni4H Chairman Peter Catchpole or email noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com
ROCK OFF @ The REC Rooms
The Licks featuring Phil Barton of ‘The South’, Professional Rock Funky Feel Good Party Band, with support from Bad Boy Boogie, South East’s Premier AC/DC Tribute Band, and Flesh Tuxedo, Classic Rock Covers Band, on Friday 2nd August.
All ticket proceeds will help fund Ni4H barrister and technical experts.
Tickets £10 in advance, £15 on the door are available from: www.therecrooms.com
More Very Good News
The government has rejected the proposal to site an Energy Recovery Facility in Ratty’s Lane Hoddesdon, Herts. “For the reasons given below, the Secretary of State agrees with the Inspector’s conclusions, except where stated, but disagrees with the Inspector’s recommendation. He has determined that planning permission should be refused.”
Ni4H Community Group will continue working together to ensure that Horsham’s announcement will also be very good news for local residents and the environment.