Ni4H Response to EA Second Consultation
48 Responses to the Environment Agency’s second consultation have been published, including those sent by No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H). The responses and related documents can be viewed here:
Here are links to redacted copies of the documents submitted by Ni4H and those referred to in our response, for ease of reference.
Response from No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group 26.6.22
Ni4H submitted a 64-page response plus appendices to the EA on 26th June 2022 with this covering letter.
Ni4H was encouraged by the thorough start to the EA’s analysis when Schedule 5 Notices were issued on 23rd August 2021 and 16th February 2022, requiring the Applicant to provide additional information in order to determine the application. Ni4H expected further Schedule 5 notices to be forthcoming.
It has been very difficult to engage with the EA’s consultation process – there have been missing documents, unreadable data, inaccurate information, errors and inconsistencies.
Ni4H Community Group is very disappointed and deeply concerned given the high ethical commitments set by the EA Chair and Chief Executive in The Environment Agency Strategy ‘Creating a better place Our ambition to 2020’. The EA has so far not lived up to their corporate pledge: ‘will go the extra mile for the people and places we serve’ to ensure that this consultation reflects the high standards of governance expected of such a senior agency of government and put right the current deficiencies identified before any final decisions are taken.
No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group
Ni4H Response to EA 2nd Consultation:
Appendix 1 – UKWIN’s comments on the draft decision document for Doncaster Energy Recovery Facility at Kirk Sandall
EPR/SP3904SR/A001 August 2021, referred to as Kirk Sandall Objection.
Appendix 2 – Comments on Risk of Environmental Impact, Fire and Explosion
Appendix 3 – Health Impacts
Highlights and comments were added to the document submitted in the first consultation, when considering the EA’s response to the concerns raised.
Appendix 4 – UKHSA Emails To 2022 05 10
UKWIN email correspondence with UKHSA regarding the health concerns document up to 10 May 2022, to support Appendices 5 and 6.
Appendix 5 – Summary of Health Concerns Raised and UKHSA Response
Summarised health concerns in table form, showing responses to date to issues raised.
Appendix 6 – UKWIN Response to UKHSA Email Dated 10 May 2022 & Further Evidence
Response sent by Ni4H August 2021
Response sent to EA to the first consultation, pages are referred to in Ni4H response to the second consultation. A copy of the Ni4H 70-page response and appendices sent in the first EA consultation were also emailed to the EA with our response to the second consultation, for ease of reference.