Press Release
After many years of campaigning against the proposed controversial Horsham incinerator, by the No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) Community Group, it now looks as though the project is going ahead. Construction work on the massive building and 95-metre stack is set to start in Summer 2023 and take more than three years to complete. The proposed incinerator would be located in North Horsham, off the A264, near Warnham Station, the under-construction Mowbray Village. When complete, the site would receive 230,000 tonnes per annum of waste, of which 180,000 tonnes per annum is expected to be incinerated, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Public Exhibition
A drop in Public Exhibition is being held on Saturday 22nd April 2023 from 10.30am to 3.30pm at Tanbridge House School, Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham RH12 1SR. Members of the public will have a chance to quiz Qair, the new owners, and Hitachi Zosen Inova, constructors and operators, along with the Environment Agency, about the Horsham incinerator project.
Community Liaison Group
Members of the public are also being encouraged to volunteer to join the Community Liaison Group, to discuss project progress, and the impact on the local community. Horsham residents who are members of the group have sent Qair more than 50 questions, covering ongoing concerns about the project and responses are awaited.
For Qair Group, a French company, this will be their first incinerator development, having bought the original developers, Britaniacrest Recycling Ltd, in 2022. Hitachi Zosen Inova are currently involved in the construction and operation of more than a dozen UK-based incinerators.
“Ni4H would rather the Horsham incinerator isn’t built. It will impact on the lives of Horsham residents for the 3 and a half years construction and commissioning phases, and for an expected 30 years of operation, changing the landscape of Horsham for a generation. Additionally, despite being called ‘energy from waste’, the proposed incinerator is not in the right location to use the heat it generates. The public exhibition provides the first opportunity for more than 5 years, for the public to engage directly with the owners and operators of the proposed incinerator about this life-changing project – we encourage members of the public to attend.”
An Ni4H spokesperson
Incineration Tax
Meanwhile, key Conservative MPs, whose constituencies are impacted by incinerators, are being encouraged to demand the fiscal disincentivising of so-called Energy from Waste plants, by calling for Incineration Tax legislation similar to the current Landfill Tax. An Incineration Tax would encourage more sustainable alternatives of waste management that can help prevent emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce pollutants.
Website: https://ni4h.org