No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) continues to campaign and raise community concerns. Some representatives of the Community Group recently attended an interesting and helpful meeting with Horsham MP, Jeremy Quin, who later said:
“Great to catch up with the No Incinerator 4 Horsham – Community Group. For years the group have worked hard to challenge the proposals and raise community concerns.
I am continuing to act on these concerns and given progress being made on recycling the case against the need for new incinerator capacity is getting ever stronger.”
The Rt Hon Jeremy Quin MP
Incineration Overcapacity
The latest community concerns include Incineration Overcapacity – more incineration capacity than genuinely residual waste. This raises serious concerns about the many proposals to build yet more incinerators, including the proposed Horsham incinerator, construction of which has not started.

UKWIN Incineration Overcapacity Briefing & Press Release:
Incinerators & Health: Fact or Fiction?
The November 2023 “Incinerators & Health: Fact or Fiction?” briefing raises concerns about how incinerators are regulated, explores how statements made by the Environment Agency (EA), the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), and others to justify permitting waste incinerators are undermined by information revealed through information requests. Key decisions about environmental permitting for waste incinerators have been made based on outdated evidence, inconclusive evidence, and in some cases no evidence at all.
UKWIN Health Briefing and Press Release:
Plans to Burn More Waste
Planning & Environment Agency permit permissions were given for a Recycling, Recovery and Renewable Energy Facility (3Rs), with 180,000 tonnes burnt and 50,000 tonnes recycled. The new owners, Qair, have announced that the recycling will be done elsewhere, and they now plan to burn 230,000 tonnes per annum in the proposed Horsham incinerator. West Sussex County Council have sought external legal advice but have only shared a summary of the key conclusions of that advice. Local residents sent a Freedom of Information Request and legal advice is being sought.
Sign the Petition & Write to Your MP
Ni4H is encouraging people to write to their MP and sign this petition:
“Fix the UK’s plastic waste crisis: reduce single use plastic by 50% by 2025, ban all waste exports, ban new incinerators being built, and roll out a deposit return scheme.”
Petition to: The UK Government