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Good News – Thank You!

Many thanks for all your donations which have enabled No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group to be represented, by a London-based Planning Barrister from Landmark Chambers, at the Pre-Inquiry Meeting with the Planning Inspector on 6th June 2019. Come...


Go Fund Me have temporarily paused the Ni4H account because of delays in setting up a new linked withdrawal bank account, the donated money is safe. You can still donate by PayPal to Ni4H funds for a barrister and technical...

Banners & Placards

Where’s the Ni4H banner this week? Could you make banners / placards for your fence, front garden, business land and for your neighbours? We can send you images to print, laminate, paint or design your own, please include the...

Fundraising Quiz

QUIZ – No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) is fundraising for a barrister and technical reports for the Public Inquiry into the proposed Incinerator. REGISTER A TEAM OR ASK TO JOIN A TEAM – via Messenger or Email noincinerator4horsham@gmail.com PAY...

About Ni4H Community Group

No Incinerator 4 Horsham (Ni4H) is a peaceful, non-political Community Group of local residents, formed in 2016 to raise awareness and campaign for sound environmental reasons against plans to build a huge incinerator in Horsham, importing up to 230,000 tonnes...