Ni4H Quiz
Ni4H are busy planning events to have EVEN MORE FUN raising the rest of the money for a barrister and experts at the Public Inquiry! Buy your Quiz tickets today and look out for news of the Barn Dance,...
Ni4H are busy planning events to have EVEN MORE FUN raising the rest of the money for a barrister and experts at the Public Inquiry! Buy your Quiz tickets today and look out for news of the Barn Dance,...
With only 9 weeks to the start of the Inquiry here is the latest news from No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (NI4H). The crane currently towering over Horsham at the Bishops Weald site at its highest resting point is 86m high, the proposed incinerator...
No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (NI4H) are volunteer local residents fighting to STOP the Horsham Incinerator being built just north of the A264 bypass by Warnham Station, accessed via Langhurstwood Road. Thanks to your donations and support Ni4H...
Wow, what a brilliant night, ROCK OFF at The REC Rooms on Friday, it was wonderful to see so many people having fun, enjoying the music and dancing. It was great to meet and chat with so many Ni4H supporters. The photo...
Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons has made a financial contribution to No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s campaign. Jeremy, who has appeared in films such as “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”, was contacted by Ni4H Community Group in the hope of...
“No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Statement of Case has now been successfully submitted to the Planning Inspector, opposing the Appeal to build an Incinerator in North Horsham. Everyone involved can feel very proud of what they have achieved....
After 6 very busy weeks of research and meetings since the Pre-inquiry meeting, the No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group’s Statement of Case was sent to the Planning Inspector on 18 July 2019. We are blessed with a brilliant barrister, excellent experts, versatile...
Ni4H had a very helpful meeting with our barrister and technical experts last week, they are busy working on documents ready to submit an excellent, well researched, Statement of Case to the Planning Inspector as requested on Thursday 18th July....
“The REC Rooms are happy to support the No Incinerator to help raise funds for legal support and raise awareness to the planned Horsham Incinerator. A packed evening of great local bands: HEADLINING – The Licks featuring Phil Barton...
Congratulations Horsham District Council on passing Climate Emergency motion on 26th June 2019! Many thanks to No Incinerator 4 Horsham supporters who attended the meeting together with South East Climate Alliance, Sussex Green Living and others. Ni4H welcomes Councillor...